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Pharmacy Technician & Education Consultant

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The entry requirements will vary depending on the course provider. However, as a guide, you might be expected to have the equivalent of four GCSEs at Grade C and above, including mathematics, English language, science and one other subject. You will also need to be working in a pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist or pharmacy technician

To practise as a pharmacy technician in England, you'll need to complete an accredited course and register with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).

GPhC-approved courses/qualifications are also available through a level 3 pharmacy technician apprenticeship. To apply, you'll need to be employed and working in a pharmacy to meet the required minimum number of experience hours working within the pharmacy environment, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist or pharmacy technician.

Employers, including the NHS, offer jobs for trainee pharmacy technicians.

Pharmacy technicians must be able to communicate effectively with the wider healthcare team, patients and the public, whilst ensuring and maintaining confidentiality and privacy.

In addition, as a pharmacy technician you need to be:

  • Responsible, accurate and methodical
  • Able to pay close attention to detail
  • Ready to refer to the pharmacist when necessary
  • Able to understand law and guidelines on medicines
  • Able to read and follow instructions
  • Interested in people’s health
  • Able to explain clearly to members of the public
  • Able to demonstrate excellent customer service skills
  • Able to demonstrate excellent organisational, science and manual dexterity skills

 In order to work in some specialist areas, you may be required to undertake additional post-registration training / qualifications.

Related case studies for this role

Shilpa Shah - CEO of Local Pharmaceutical Society

CEO of Kent LPC, Shilpa shares her day-to-day life of the role and her experiences in working for an LPC and what made her choose a career in pharmacy.

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Amandeep Doll - Head of Professional Belonging

Head of Professional Belonging Pharmacist, Aman shares her day-to-day life of the role and her experiences of a career in pharmacy.

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James Wood - PSNC pharmacist

PSNC Pharmacist, James shares his day-to-day life of the role and his experiences of a career in pharmacy.

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