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CCG Pharmacist

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Role description

Clinical Commissioning groups are clinically led general practice organisations that commission most of the hospital and community NHS services in the local area that they are responsible for.

As a CCG Pharmacist you combine your clinical and change management skills to help drive improved use of medicines and the management of long-term conditions for people in the local health area.

Key responsibilities

  • Proactively working with partners and stakeholders to support the implementation of medicines optimisation, strategy and priorities for commissioning.
  • Contribute towards the prescribing of budgets, audits and interpretation of prescribing data to drive change and develop options for budget management
  • Provide expert medicines information and prescribing advice to GPs and other clinicians and managers for best practice in the management and use of medicines and patient safety in compliance with national guidelines and legal frameworks.
  • Help develop robust, evidence-based business cases and identify the potential impact, barriers and mitigating options that support and help contribute to the decision-making of the Chief Pharmacist and senior clinical commissioning pharmacists national and local initiatives.
  • Develop guidelines and recommendations that address identified risk areas in medicines use through audit and analysis
  • Support senior clinical commissioning pharmacists develop and manage contracts by analysing highly complex sensitive drug and patient information, prescribing data, acute activity and other data sources providing budgetary reports, advice and recommendations to GP practices; to help them review their performance.
  • To improve accountability to the public and patients through engagement, responding to sometimes complex enquiries and liaising with other healthcare professionals.
  • To support and promote an environment of continuous professional development and training to ensure better medicines use.


Applicants must have a degree in Pharmacy, be registered as a Pharmacist with the General Pharmaceutical Council and committed to continuing professional development.

Related case studies for this role

Bhavisha Patel - Relief Community Pharmacist

Community Pharmacist, Bhavisha shares her day-to-day life of the role and his experiences in a community pharmacy

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Vicki Simmons - Interface Pharmacist

Interface Pharmacist, Vicki shares her day-to-day life of the role and her experiences of a career in pharmacy.

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Min Teo - Clinical Directo

Clinical Director Pharmacist, Min shares his day-to-day life of the role and his experiences of a career in pharmacy.

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Sally Farmer - Regional Pharmacy Manager

Meet Sally Farmer, a Regional Pharmacist Manager in Community Pharmacy who tells us all about her role and why she chose pharmacy as a career.

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Atika Tailor - Community pharmacist

Community Pharmacist, Atika shares her day-to-day life of the role and her experiences of a career in pharmacy.

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Further information

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