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Pharmacy Technician Development

Developmental Opportunities
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The developmental opportunities resources have been grouped into categories to align with the four pillars of practice to aid development of skills and knowledge. With Equality, Diversity and Inclusion running through as the golden thread to underpin all the pillars.
To get started, click on one of category pillars to view the corresponding resources.
Clinical Practice
Leadership & Management
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Below are some of the partners NHS England Workforce Training & Education directorate (WT&E) work collaboratively with to develop education and training.

E-Learning for Healthcare (elfh)

E learning for healthcare provide free e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.

Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education (CPPE)

The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) is funded by NHS England WT&E to provide developmental opportunities for pharmacy professionals providing NHS services in England.

Clinical Practice

CPPE offers a variety of programmes and assessments for all sectors to advance your knowledge and skills and be able to deliver medicines optimisation in practice. Visit Website
To help you develop the skills and confidence to deliver effective clinical services in community pharmacy and the health and justice sector. Visit Website
To provides an introduction on the use, development and authorisation of PGDs. Visit Website
To support you to develop confidence to work under patient group directions (PGDs). Visit Website
Elfh has a wide range of clinical resources that can support you at various levels of practice. Elfh can be accessed through an OpenAthens account. Visit Website
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Clinical Knowledge Summaries (NICE CKS) provides resources on common conditions that are often seen within primary care. The resources provide an overview of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice. Visit Website
SCRIPT is an e-learning programme to improve prescribing safety and competency among healthcare professionals. The program focuses on prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management and there is a pharmacy specific program consisting of 59 modules. Visit Website
CPPE Genomics Learning Gateway provides learning resources and assessments to support you to develop your knowledge of genomics. Visit Website
The Medicines Learning Portal pharmacogenomics tutorial has been commissioned by NHS England to support pharmacy professionals and trainees working in primary and/or secondary care who currently have limited experience working with pharmacogenomic information. Visit Website
NHS England WT&E Genomics Education Programme provides access to learning and development opportunities to support NHS professionals to use genomics effectively in their professional practice. Visit Website

Leadership and Management

This programme is for pharmacy staff who aspire to lead NHS departments, services, teams or systems of care and is open to experienced pharmacy technicians. It aims to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to help pharmacy professionals become outstanding, compassionate and inclusive leaders. Visit Website
This course is open to pharmacy technicians from all sectors of practice who lead teams or services within their organisation. The aim of the programme is to enable the development of the skills and behaviours required to become an inspiring and effective pharmacy leader. Visit Website
If you have an interest in developing your leadership skills in achieving or maintaining Healthy Living Pharmacy status in line with community pharmacy NHS contractual requirements.  Visit Website
This course enables pharmacy professionals to reflect on their personal skill set and to identify how they can develop a range of life skills such as reflective practice, time management, assertiveness at work, and mentoring. Visit Website
NHS Elect provide a wide range of leadership resources. See their website for further details of the training available. This site requires organisational membership. Visit Website


The elfh Research, Audit and Quality Improvement programme is open to pharmacy technicians involved in research, audit and quality improvement. The two modules available introduce the learner to a variety of topics pertinent to clinical research, audit and quality improvement undertaken by the NHS and its academic partners. Visit Website
The HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic (ICA) Programme provides a range of research training awards for health and social care professionals who wish to develop careers that combine research and research leadership with continued practice and professional development. Visit Website


Information on NHS England Workforce Training & Education (WT&E) commissioned training and resources for the development of supervisors can be found on the ‘Supervision’ tab within the Workforce and Quality section of the Pharmacy London website. Visit Website
CPPE provide a selection of resources to support educators and trainers. Visit Website
CPPE coaching service is available to support users with defined work-related goals that need to be achieved within a supportive framework and a set timescale. Visit Website
An online introduction to mentoring course. Visit Website
Further coaching and mentoring resources are available through the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Inclusive Pharmacy Practice Talent Resource Tool below. The tables indicate whether the programme is available for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. Visit Website

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The CPPE Culturally Competent Person-centred Care Gateway signposts to a range of key learning resources to support pharmacy professionals develop culturally competent pharmacy professional practice. Visit Website
This programme looks at some of the issues that the transgender and non-binary community face when accessing healthcare services and discusses some of the measures pharmacy can take to provide an inclusive and supportive person-centred service for people in the transgender and non-binary community. Visit Website
This programme looks at some of the issues that the transgender and non-binary community face when accessing healthcare services and discusses some of the measures pharmacy can take to provide an inclusive and supportive person-centred service for people in the transgender and non-binary community. Visit Website
The purpose of the Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety e-learning programme supports healthcare staff to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues around culture and health, and how this might influence health care outcomes. Visit Website
The modules aim to describe what is meant by culture and cultural competence, and the importance for health professionals to be aware of its impact on healthcare and patients. Visit Website
These modules support individuals to learn more about spectrum disabling conditions including learning disabilities, autism, deafness, complex and hidden conditions.  Visit Website  Visit Website
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the government’s preferred recommended training for health and social care staff.
More information about the different ways to access the training can be found on the elfh webpage. Visit Website
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